Marathon des Alpes-Maritimes Nice-Cannes


Registration for the shuttle BUS individual marathon

To get this service, please subscribe to the « shuttle option » during your registration. If this was not done during the registration, there's still the chance to register (with your registration number) by clicking here:

BUS shuttle

Marathon only

Please note: Only medical certificates (dated from less than one year by the D-Day) delivered by a doctor will be accepted and must mention that « Mr. or Mrs. X is fit to compete a marathon ». Follow the federation circular n°13 on the 21th april 2008, the medical certificate must mention that « Mr. or Mrs. X is fit to practice running in competition » or « is fit to compete a marathon ». Only the french licences FFA, FFTRI, FFCO, FFPM are accepted.

Azur Sport Organisation
Azur Sport Organisation
Azur Sport Organisation
@activimages Marathon Nice-Cannes 2022